

      任伟,汉族, 1983年生。2013年在万象城娱乐allwincity体育获得理学博士学位,同年留校任教。现为万象城娱乐allwincity体育硕士生导师,兼任美国《Math Review》及德国《Zentralblatt Math》评论员。主要研究方向是同调理论。 


[1] Ren Wei, Liu Zhongkui, Cotorsion dimension of unbounded complexes, Comm. Algebra, 41(11), 4378-4392, 2013. 
[2] Ren Wei, Liu Zhongkui, Yang Gang, Derived categories with respect to Ding modules, J. Algebra Appl., 12 (6), 14 pages, 2013. doi: 10.1142/S0219498813500217 
[3] Ren Wei, Liu Zhongkui, Gorenstein homological dimensions for triangulated categories, J. Algebra, 410, 258–276, 2014. 
[4] Ren Wei, Liu Zhongkui, Balance of Tate homomology in triangulated categories, Appl. Categ. Structures, 10 pages, 2014. doi: 10.1007/s10485-014-9381-8 
[5] Ren Wei, Liu Zhongkui, A Quillen model structure approach to homological dimensions of complexes, J. Algebra Appl., 13 (3), 15 pages, 2014. doi: 10.1142/S02194988 13501065 
[6] Liu Zhongkui, Ren Wei, Transfer of Gorenstein dimensions of unbounded complexes along ring homomorphisms, Comm. Algebra, 42(8), 3325-3338, 2014. 
[7] Yang Gang, Ren Wei, Approximations and adjoints for categories of complexes of Gorenstein projective modules, Hacet. J. Math. Stat., accepted. 


[1] 万象城娱乐allwincity体育青年教师科研能力提升计划重点项目:三角范畴的Gorenstein同调维数与Tate上同调; 起止年月:2014.1—2016.12 (主持). 
[2] 国家自然科学基金项目:三角范畴的Gorenstein同调理论和Brown可表示性;起止年月:2015.1—2017.12 (主持). 
[3] 国家自然科学基金项目:广义幂级数环理论研究;起止年月:2014.1—2017.12 (参与). 


[1] 复形的Gorenstein同调维数及Ding导出范畴,甘肃省高校科技进步奖一等奖, 2014年 (参与).